Friday, May 14, 2010

Degraves Street - Melbourne

Degraves Street in Melbourne, Australia
Degraves Street in Melbourne, Australia

The lanes and alleys of Melbourne are quite busy as they are full of small Cafe's and bars. I spent quite a bit of time wondering around them with the camera. We also stopped at a one of the cafes for a really good meal. The photographs on this post were taken down Degraves Street which is quite close to the Flinders Street station.  More images after the jump.

Coffee shop down Degraves Street - Melbourne
Coffee shop down Degraves Street - Melbourne

Violinist down Degraves Street - Melbourne
Violinist down Degraves Street - Melbourne

Degraves Street Melbourne, Australia
Degraves Street Melbourne, Australia

A Cafe down Degraves Street - Melbourne
A Cafe down Degraves Street - Melbourne

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