Thursday, June 24, 2010

Travel Guides

Two travel guides for Europe
Two travel guides for Europe

We are in the middle of planning a trip to Europe for September and have spent a fair bit of time, over the last month or so, looking for accommodation, travel options and deciding what we want to see and do. With everything finally booked up, I can't wait to leave. We still have two months of work to get through before we finally get four weeks off. Time has been passing fairly quickly so hopefully it won't seem like ages before we leave.

I've been thinking of taking this shot of a couple of travel guides for a while and actually got around to taking it last night. Read on for lighting information.

Before reading the lighting information, try reverse engineering it by looking at the image above. Pay particular attention to shadows as that will help you identify where the strobe was positioned.

I placed a white foam core board on the right hand side of the subject and fired a Canon 430EX (also camera right) at 1/16 into it. A second foam core board was positioned camera left and angled to reflect the bounced light back onto the travel guides. I used a 1/2 CTO gel to warm up the light a little.

The flash was triggered by the inbuilt wireless trigger on the 7D. I used a Canon 24-105mm lens to take this shot.

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