Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sydney Opera House and CBD

The Sydney Opera House and CBD
The Sydney Opera House and CBD

I hadn't been out with the camera for a while and since I had some free time on Sunday, I headed down to Milsons Point, on the north shore of Sydney Harbour. I timed my trip to get down there at around sunset as I wanted to have a bit of time to set up before the colour of the sky changed to that special shade of blue. Unfortunately the weather in Sydney hasn't been good and the sky was cloudy. Not a real surprise considering it is the middle of winter!

More info after the jump.

I set up the tripod on the wharf and started capturing the photographs which I needed to create the panorama above. The wind was not too strong but I found that the Tripod was shaking and, as a result, the images were not too sharp. In order to get around this, I had to stand next to the camera and block the wind. Thankfully it was a quick fix and seemed to resolve the problem. I zoomed in on the back of the camera a number of times to make sure the images were tack sharp.

I captured seven images to use for the panorama above. Once I got home all I had to do was process them using the identical settings and stitch them up to produce the final image. The panorama has to be viewed large to see the detail in the buildings. The version I've uploaded here is quite a small version of the final image.

The most frustrating part of this process was trying to capture images which didn't include any boats.  This was almost impossible considering Circular Quay is just to the right of the Opera House. Circular Quay is the hub of Sydney's ferry system and as a result, has ferries coming in and out throughout the day.

Other images of the opera house

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