Thursday, November 11, 2010

2/52 - Layered Coffee Liqueur

Layered Coffee Liqueur
Layered Coffee Liqueur 

I'm not really sure how people set about doing a project 365. I'm 2 weeks into a project 52 and I'm already finding it hard to come up with ideas for images. A lot of people do self portraits which makes things a bit easier but I'm not going to get into that. This weeks image is a glass of  layered coffee liqueur from Sheridan's in Dublin. Let me know what you think of it in the comments below.

Lighting info after the jump.

Setup shot - Layered Coffee Liqueur
Setup shot - Layered Coffee Liqueur

The setup for this shot was similar to the Ganesh shot but I used more direct light as opposed to feathered light. I created a bit of Bokeh, to balance out the image, by using a few coloured tea light holders. The flash was gelled with a 1/2 CTO and fired at 1/16th into a reflective umbrella.

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