Friday, February 4, 2011

Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia
Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia 

Oakland falls was the second waterfall we visited on our walk last week (the first was Burgess Falls).  It was about fifteen minutes away from the first waterfall. Although the walk was not long, the path was in very bad condition as it is not used on a regular basis. Surprisingly we didn't see anyone else walking in the area on the day we visited. This is very unusual for a walk in the Blue Mountains as the area is constantly full of people.

More images after the jump.

The creek below Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia
The creek below Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

Although we are in the middle of summer, it has been raining a bit and I was expecting more water in the creek and a bigger waterfall. Unfortunately I was out of luck and there wasn't too much water.  I'll probably visit the area in winter and photograph the falls when they are at their best.

Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia
Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

The rocks along the creek bed were covered in moss and I used them in the foreground in a lot of my compositions. The dappled sunlight which was filtering through the canopy really enhanced the green and gave the images a "fresh" look.

Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia
Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

I included a number of trees in my compositions to frame the waterfall and to convey a sense of depth. If I do visit the area again, I think I would try and add a bit more flowing water from the creek to my compositions with the aim of creating another level of interest to the image.

The creek below Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia
The creek below Oakland Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

All images on this post were captured with a Canon 7d and a Canon 24 - 105mm lens. A tripod and circular polariser were used for all these shots. Exposure times were around the 1 second mark and a tripod was used.

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