Monday, March 7, 2011

19/52 - Wall-e on a Wire

Wall-e on a Wire
Wall-e on a Wire 

One of my friends at work had this small figure of Wall-e on his desk. I borrowed it for a few days and will use it for a couple of shots on this project. I had seen a similar photograph to this online and decided to recreate it. The lighting for this was quite straightforward and required only a single flash.

Setup shots inside.

Setup - Wall-e on a Wire
Setup - Wall-e on a Wire

This was a one light setup using the Canon 580 EX II. The strobe was fired at  1/128th and zoomed to 105mm. It was shot into a reflective umbrella which Wall-e is perched on. I changed the colour temperature on the raw file to cool down the light a bit. I could have done this with a 1/4 CTB gel but didn't think of it while I was shooting.

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