Saturday, July 30, 2011

36/52 - Tune Up

Tune Up - a photograph of the tuning pegs on a guitar
Tune Up

Firstly, sorry for the delay between my last post and this one. I was away in Sri Lanka on a months holiday and just got back (with about 130 GB of images to process). I tried to keep the project going while I was away but with the trips and the fact that I didn't have a computer with me made things a bit difficult. However I did shoot a couple of shots, this one included, specifically for the project.

Lighting info and setup shots after the jump.

Lighting setup for an image of the tuning pegs on a guitar
Lighting setup - Tune Up

This was a two light setup and I wanted to focus on the tuning pegs of the guitar. 

The main light for this shot came from a canon 580 EX II fired at 1/64th through a 1/2 CTO gel.  The flash was fired from camera right.

The key light was a Canon 430 EX II also fired at 1/64th from camera left through a 1/2 CTB gel.

In order to get a dark background I used a black towel to hide the patterns on the table cloth.

If I were to shoot this photograph again I'd use a slightly smaller aperture to increase the depth of field. I used an aperture of F4.0 for this one.

3D Graffiti Design - Red and White 3D Graffiti Arrow

One again 3D graffiti design ideas for you. This graffiti combination red and white color With arrow style which make this graffiti more better.You can save this graffiti design today.

Graffiti 3D Design - Amazing 3D Graffiti Orange Color Ideas

Graffiti design ideas with orange color, Are you like it ? Find more graffiti design ideas here. . .

White Grey 3D Graffiti City Design Ideas

3D Graffiti City Design Ideas
Graffiti 3d design with combination grey and white color. Very beautifull and better graffiti design. Please enjoy our new gallery graffiti ideas.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Graffiti Wallpaper For Beroom and Living Room Ideas

Graffiti wallpaper for decorate bedroom or living room
Are you want draw graffiti on your bedroom or living room ? This is one ideas for you. Graffiti with elegant design and i think will very amazing when drawing on your room. This is one graffiti ideas for you all, please enjoy and give your comment about this graffiti wallpaper.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wildstyle Graffiti Sketches Black White and Full Color Design Ideas

Graffiti Wildstyle Sketches Design Ideas
Graffiti ideas for you which like wildstyle design. Please give your comment and your ideas about this wildstyle graffiti sketches.Thanks. . .

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wildstyle 3D Graffiti alphabet - Sketches of Design

Graffiti Alphabet WIldstyle 3D Style
Sketches of wildstyle graffiti alhabet design ideas, Please enjoy our new graffiti design today.Thanks. . .