Friday, March 5, 2010

Anuradhapura in Black and White

Here are a few more images taken in the Western Monasteries area of Anuradhapura. For more info and images on the Western Monasteries, check out Other black and white images of Ruwanveliseya are available at

More images inside.
The shot above of the Moonstone was taken by my wife using a Canon 400D and a 50mm f1.8 lens. I feel that, apart from the composition, the leaves scattered around make the shot work. The black and white processing also helps to accentuate the details that have been carved in to the stone. I really like this shot and might get it framed at some point.

This shot was taken near the Samadhi Buddha statue. From Memory, I used the 400D and the 50mm f1.8 lens to capture these images. A creeper similar to the strangler fig had grown on the tree. I converted this image to black and white as I thought it would help define the carvings on the guard stones and steps as well as the roots of the creeper. I regret not having come across this place a bit earlier in the morning when the sun was a bit lower as the light would have been better for photography. I may have also been able to cut down on the blown highlights which are visible on the right hand side of the image.

This is an entrance to another building in the Western Monasteries complex. I took this shot with the 400D and the 50mm f1.8 lens. In hind sight I should have used a smaller aperture on this one in order to get a wider depth of field. This would have meant a longer shutter speed but I did have a tripod with me at the time! I'd love to head back to the Western Monasteries at some stage and spend a few days exploring and photographing the place.

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