Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia 

New Years eve celebrations were fairly low key this year. I was at a friends place for a barbecue dinner followed by fireworks on the harbour. People usually get to the foreshore fairly early (8.00 - 9.00 in the morning...) and claim spots for their chairs and picnic blankets. We couldn't be bothered going through all of that and ended up on leaving home at around 10.30 PM.

More images after the jump. Happy New Year everyone.

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney Australia

We had decided to head to a location on the lower North Shore as it was not too far from home. The area was really crowded by the time we got there but I did manage to find enough room to setup the tripod without blocking anyone's view. We had unobstructed views of the city from where we were and had to hang around for only half an hour. No complaints form me.

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

The most annoying thing about photographing fireworks is the smoke. The first few photographs turn out alright but the others smoke obstructed the view of the city in some of the later images.

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

All the photographs in this post were captured with a Canon 7D and a Canon 24 - 105mm lens. I also used a tripod and a remote shutter release.

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia
New Year's Day Fireworks - Sydney, Australia

Graffiti Wallpapers : FWA Spray Can

Graffiti Wallpapers : FWA Spray CanPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Graffiti Cartoon Cans : Funny Graffiti Design on Cans

Graffiti Cans : are you like a cartoon ?? if you like with cartooni hope this graffiti cartoon cans be interest your attention. Graffiti  cartoon cans is very unique graffiti design  and i'm very like it. How about you ?? i'm just share this design ideas , i want some people feel happy if visit my graffiti gallery.

New Graffiti Buble Letters Design Ideas

Graffiti Buble letters chocholate

Simple Graffiti buble letters

Jazzy Graffiti buble letters

Motto Graffiti Buble Letters 

Graffiti Buble Letters Design
Graffiti Buble Letters : Very amazing design ideas this buble letters. I think this is one ideas which very better and attractive. Many people in the world can draw graffiti letters  , but not all people can draw very good. You know graffiti buble letters is unique graffiti design  ideas, So thats design many people likes.

Graffiti Daniel : Graffiti Tag Names Daniel Design

Daniel Ambrosso Graffiti names

Unique Graffiti names daniel design
Just a simple graffiti tag names  design ideas for you , This graffiti names daniel is free for you. Please give me comment , Thanks. . .

Graffiti Names : Graffiti Chris Name Design

Graffiti Name Chris

Christ Brown Graffiti Names

Pink Graffiti Alphabet

Full Color Graffiti letters ideas

Pink Graffiti Red Color

Graffiti Ideas

Graffiti names red color
Graffiti Names  : You k now chris brown ?? This is on ideas for you which want to create graffiti names. Graffiti tag names with object chris brown above is very amazing and attractive. i like this simple graffiti  names, how about you ?? i hope you like it too and enjoye find my graffiti name design .

Free Style 3D Graffiti Wallpapers by Unscenemedia

Free Style 3D Graffiti Wallpapers by UnscenemediaPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tron 3D Graffiti - Shiz JXC Wall by MrSHIZ

Tron 3D Graffiti - Shiz JXC Wall by MrSHIZPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

9/52 - Tennis


With December coming to an end and the Australian open kicking off early next year, I figured I'd shoot something Tennis related. I had seen a similar photograph taken by David Hobby a while ago and had been waiting for an opportunity to try the lighting technique he used. This is the result.

Read on for lighting info and setup shots.

Tennis - The lighting setup
Tennis - The lighting setup

The photograph above was a single exposure lit by two strobes. A snooted Canon 430 EX II was fired at 1/64th through a 1/2 CTO gel to light up the ball. The light was bounced using a white foam-core board and a white A4 sheet from below the ball to light up the shadow areas.

A Canon 580 EX II was fired at 1/32 through a green gel at a black background (I didn't have a black foam-core board so I just "dressed" a white board in a black t-shirt).

The total exposure time was 6 seconds. The in-built wireless flash control on the 7D was used to fire the Canon 430 EX II. As soon as the Canon 430 EX II fired, I zoomed in a bit and manually fired the Canon 580 EX II with a cactus trigger. I then zoomed in again and triggered the 580 EX to create a ring around the ball. I repeated the process to create each of the rings around the ball.

The only post processing I did was cloning out the bottle which I had placed the ball on.

Graffiti Robot : Graffiti Writing on Train

Graffiti Robot Writing on Train Design

Graffiti Robot Writing on Train ideas

Graffiti Robot Writing on Train

The Basic Graffiti Writing on Train
Graffiti Writing  - Just want share some graffiti design ideas  for you, Graffiti writing on train with robot object make this graffiti very nice and good for looks a kids. I like this graffiti ideas, how about you ?? are you like it ?? i hope you like it and enjoy with my graffiti design  collection which i share to you. 
Please give me comment, Thanks . . .

Writing Graffiti Alphabet and Letters With Simple Ideas

3D Graffiti letters style

Graffiti Flag Style Ideas

Street Art Writing Graffiti

Graffiti Writing Alphabet CCTV Ideas

Graffiti Writing Letters Design

3D Graffiti Writing Design
3D Graffiti Writing - Graffiti design ideas with simple design and very amazing can make many people interesting for it. Graffiti writing alphabet and letters above is one graffiti design  ideas which i like it. How about you?? are you like with this simple graffiti writing ?? i hope you like it :)

Graffiti New York : Graffiti new style Design on new York

Banksy Graffiti new yorks style

Graffiti Cartoon new yorks style

Graffiti Street new york

Graffiti House style

Graffiti Alphabet new york

Graffiti star wars new york

Graffiti Funny Cartoon
Graffiti new york - Very unique and amazing graffiti styles . New york graffiti styles have a best color combination , may you will like this new york graffiti style on my graffiti blogs. I have some pictures graffiti ideas from new york with best combination color which may be will yo like. I like this graffiti design , i don't know you will like or not :)