Wednesday, December 1, 2010

5/52 - Christmas Decorations

Christmas Decorations
Christmas Decorations 

Shops and department stores have been decorated for Christmas since early November which is ridiculous. Since December has arrived I don't feel too bad to upload the first Christmas pictures of the year. This shot is of one of the ornaments which will end op on our Christmas tree, whenever we get around to putting one up. I introduced a bit of  "home made bokeh" to add a bit of colour to the image.

For those of you interested in the lighting info and a setup shot, read on.

Setup Shot - Christmas Decorations
Setup Shot - Christmas Decorations

The lighting for this one was not too complicated. I used two flashes to produce the final image. The first was a Canon 430 EX II fired at 1/16th from high camera right. The light from this flash was warmed up a little with a 1/2 CTO gel. The beam was fired over the subject and bounced back onto it using a white foam-core board. The board was placed just out of frame on the left of the camera.  The subject was lit only with the light reflected off the board. I could have fired the flash directly at the subject but the ornament would not have been evenly lit. I could have also used a shoot through umbrella from the left of the camera to achieve a similar result.

I used a wreath to create the bokeh in the background of the shot.  I fired a snooted (home made snoot) Canon 430 EX II at 1/8th at the wreath which was placed behind the subject. A green gel was used on this flash to add a bit of colour to the final image.

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