Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Buckingham Palace - London, England

Buckingham Palace from The Mall.- London, England
Buckingham Palace from The Mall.- London, England 

While we were in London we visited Buckingham Palace hoping to see the changing of the guard. We got there quite early and as we had time to kill, decided to go for a walk instead of hanging around outside the Palace. We walked up The Mall towards Trafalgar Square, when the photograph above was taken, and back through St James Park. I decided to capture this image when I noticed the black cabs, which are quintessentially English, travelling towards us with the Palace in the background.

More images and Info after the jump

Buckingham Palace from Spur Road - London, England
Buckingham Palace from Spur Road - London, England

Spur Road, which runs in front of Buckingham palace, is quite busy. I actually had to hang around a while to take a half decent image of the palace without getting any cars or cyclists in the frame. During the changing of the guard the road is closed as the Grenadier guards come in along this road.

Buckingham Palace from St James Park - London, England
Buckingham Palace from St James Park - London, England

St James park runs all the way down to Spur road. It was also one of the few places from where I could photograph the palace without including too many people in the frame. By this stage the crowds at the fence were about 6 or 7 people deep. As a result of our walk, we didn't get to see the changing of the guard but did see the guards coming in and leaving after the ceremony.

The crowds in front of the Palace
The crowds in front of the Palace

All images were captured with a Canon 7D and a 24-105mm lens.

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