Monday, January 31, 2011

14/52 - Coke


This photograph appeared on strobist a while ago and I was amazed at how "different" it was. I had never seen "Coke" photographed like this before. I have been meaning to try and reproduce this shot since then but hadn't got around to it for one reason or another. Since the point of my project 52 is to learn to light, I thought of shooting it for this weeks entry.

Lighting info and setup shots inside.

Coke - Setup shot
Coke - Setup shot

This again was a basic two light setup.

The Canon 580 EX II was fired at 1/8 through a CTO gel and a shoot through umbrella, from camera left.

I bounced the light from the Canon 430 EX II , fired at 1/32, off a white foam-core board placed behind the subject.

The photograph was taken from above the glass.

If I shoot this again, I'd probably use a macro lens to make the bubbles more prominent. I used the 24-105mm lens for this and wasn't able to get closer because of the lens's minimum focusing distance. The hardest part of taking this photograph was getting the bubbles to look right.

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