Friday, January 28, 2011

Burgess Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

Burgess Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia
Burgess Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

Last Wednesday was Australia day and a public holiday in Sydney. We decided to make the most of it and head up to the blue mountains for a walk. It was supposed to be 40 degrees in Sydney and the beaches would have been packed so we were looking forward to some cooler weather and fewer people. I had found a couple of waterfalls, which were away from the usual tourist route, some time ago and we thought we'd visit them.

More images and info inside.

Burgess Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia
Burgess Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

The walk itself was not the easiest to find as it is not very popular and not marked too well. The only indication as to where the path started was a small board on the side of the road. The path itself was overgrown and would have been quite hard to make out as the path descended from the road. Most of the walk ran along a creek which fed the two waterfalls we visited.

Burgess Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia
Burgess Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

The first photograph on this post was actually produced by stitching 21 separate images together. I had the 24-105mm lens with me but I wasn't able to get back far enough from the falls to compose an image with the entire waterfall in the frame. As it is summer there isn't too much water in the creek and the falls themselves don't look as impressive as they would in winter or spring. Another visit seems inevitable.

Burgess Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia
Burgess Falls - Hazelbrook, Australia

I had the 7D with me and used a tripod and a circular polariser for these images.

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