Tuesday, May 10, 2011

28/52 - Oreos... Dunk or Lick??

Oreos - Dunk or Lick??

I wanted to take a photograph that actually highlighted the texture on the face of an Oreo for this weeks entry. To be honest I'm not thrilled about this shot. The glass of milk isn't too obvious as only a small part of it is visible. I didn't want to zoom out as that would have resulted in the cookie being small and less dominant in the frame. The only reason I included the glass of milk is because I thought it balanced the image. Please let me know what you think in the comments.

Lighting setup inside.

Lighting Setup - Oreos... Dunk or Lick??

This was a two light setup, I would have used a light tent but improvised as I don't have one.

I used two white foam-core boards and a white wall around the subject to bounce the light. I placed the cookies and the glass of milk on a white sheet of A4 paper to create the white background.

A Canon 430 EX II was fired at 1/16th and zoomed to 24mm at the white foam core board on the right of the subject.

A Canon 580 EX II was fired at 1/128th and zoomed to 50mm aimed at the cookie and fired form camera left.

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