Tuesday, May 31, 2011

31/52 - In the drink... again

In the Drink...again
In the drink...again

Here's another shot I was experimenting with last weekend. I got the idea for this shot when I came across some unused golf balls at home. I didn't have a fish tank to use for the shoot so opted for a rectangular vase instead. This was a two light setup but I would have liked to use a third light fired through a get to light the background and make it a bit more interesting.

Setup shot after the jump.

Lighting Setup - In the drink...again
Lighting Setup - In the drink...again

The lighting for this shot was fairly simple. I used a canon 430 EX II from the left and a Canon 580 EXII from the right and fired them both at 1/64th.

I also used a black foam-core board as the background.

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