Saturday, March 3, 2012

More Leopards - Sri Lanka

A photograph of a Leopard taken in Yala, Sri Lanka
Leopard - Yala, Sri Lanka

I've still got a number of photographs of Leopard taken in Sri Lanka which I have not had a chance to share until now. The photograph above was our ninth and last sighting of a Leopard in Yala. We saw it on the further side of an open plain near the entrance to the park. We watched it for about ten or fifteen minutes while it walked over, crossed the road and disappeared into the undergrowth.

More photographs inside.

A photograph of a Leopard taken in Yala, Sri Lanka
Leopard - Yala, Sri Lanka

Unfortunately when we came across this Leopard it was late in the evening and the light wasn't great. I had to push up the ISO to around 640 for this one but in hindsight I should have pushed it up further. Although this would have added to the "noise" I would have been able to use a faster shutter speed.

A photograph of a Leopard Cub taken in Yala, Sri Lanka
Leopard Cub - Yala, Sri Lanka

The photograph was taken during the sighting at Karaw Gas Wala. The cub seemed a bit reluctant to cross the road with a couple of jeeps being parked nearby. However, it did work up the courage to cross the road and I was able to take a number of photographs of it in the open.

A photograph of a Leopard taken in Wilpattu, Sri Lanka
Leopard - Wilpattu, Sri Lanka

This was the first Leopard we saw when we drove into the Wilpattu National Park. It was only about 5 minutes away from the main gate in an area which "didn't have too many animals". It was a good start to a three hour drive in the park.

All these photographs were taken with the 100-400mm lens and the Canon 7D. The ISO had to be pushed up to around 400 or more as the light wasn't the best.

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