Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Three-spot Grass Yellow - Sri Lanka

A photograph of a Three-Spot Grass Yellow taken in Thalangama, Sri Lanka
Three-spot Grass Yellow (Eurema blanda) - Thalangama, Sri Lanka

The Three-spot Grass Yellow is a common butterfly belonging to the Pieridae family. It's range covers both the wet and dry zones of Sri Lanka. I've photographed this species in Thalangama, Yala and Anuradhapura on a number of occasions.

More photographs after the jump.

A photograph of a Three-Spot Grass Yellow taken in Thalangama, Sri Lanka
Three-spot Grass Yellow (Eurema blanda) - Thalangama, Sri Lanka

Its wingspan is about 40-50mm and the three spots, after which it is named, are visible on the underside of the fore wing. The spots can be clearly seen when the butterfly settles on a perch as it closes its wings. Both sexes are alike and this species is similar in appearance to the common grass yellow.

A photograph of a Three-Spot Grass Yellow taken in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Three-spot Grass Yellow (Eurema blanda) - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

All these photographs were taken with the Canon 7D and the 100-400mm lens. The images on this post have been slightly cropped. I probably could have got a bit closer to the butterfly to photograph it but I didn't want to risk scaring it off.

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